Food Pantry
Food Pantry Hours
9:00am to 12:30pm
Mondays and Wednesdays
Thanks to our congregation, and our outside contributors,
we are able to help many families.
This is what is done with these generous donations.
You are allowed one visit per month.
At your monthly visit you receive two bags.
One contains food products,
and the other contains what we call commodities.
The food bag typically contains:
pasta sauce
canned vegetable
canned tuna if available
canned fruit
box of cereal
The commodities bag typically contains:
toilet paper
Other items given if they are available are:
peanut butter, jelly, noodle packets, granola bars, puddings,
and anything not on the list we are able to obtain.
We also do our best to accommodate dietary restrictions.
Eggs are a favorite, and they are given 6 at a time when available.
Any help with this very important ministry is greatly appreciated!

Cassie Taylor
Cassie Taylor was the founder and biggest champion of the Open Arms Food Pantry at Garden City First United Methodist Church. Without her, there wouldn’t even be a Food Pantry. Cassie ran the Pantry as a place where everyone was welcome, everyone had a chance to tell their story, and no one left without their bags of food, a word of encouragement, and most important of all, a loving hug. Cassie’s warm smile, her sense of humor, her quick wit, and the way she treated everyone with compassion, dignity, and respect, will be truly missed. We will keep Cassie close to our hearts, and will honor her giving spirit with this, the first annual Cassie Taylor Memorial Food Give Away. Every March we will honor Cassie by providing hundreds of individuals and families with much needed food, given at no charge, to anyone who is in need. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to Cassie, for her unceasing efforts, and to her family and friends, who made this wonderful memorial possible.